Friday, May 24, 2019

Reading Right Now! (207)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is...
Or let me clarify, these are my Reading Right Now Plans, because I am trash. I mean, you already knew I was trash because I've been bad about my blog this week too. Laziness gets me every time.

This Brilliant Death (#1) by Amy Rose Capetta. I don't know why I did this to myself. You see, this is due back at the library on Saturday. Am I the fastest reader in town? No, I'm more of a medium fast reader, so why did I think I could finish this book in two and a half days?? I don't know. So, we'll see how much I can get done. It might have to go back to the library unfinished, but I'm sure I can always check it out again.
This is an interesting story. It almost has a whimsical, fairytale feel to it. It feels like I'm viewing the character from a distance. It's also going by kind of quickly.


Then I would like to read Last Pick (#1) by Jason Walz and Come Again by Nate Powell. These are also due back at the library on Saturday *facepalm*
I think I could have a shot finishing these because they are graphic novels, and graphic novels are quick. So we'll see. 

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! I hope you enjoyed my mini life crisis haha. In my head, I think I can read allllll the books before they are due no problem, and then they come up due, and I haven't. It's a race to read them all and I always lose. Plus I get distracted very easily by Netflix, social media, and whatever else. I'm rambling now. Happy Weekend!! 

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