Friday, February 28, 2020

Reading Right Now! (245)

Hooray! The long work hours are officially over and I can go back to my regular potato life. It feels so good. The long work hours did really mess with my reading for the month of February though. I've only finished three books so far and there's a good chance that I won't finish anything else. That's the lowest reading month I've had in a long while. It's a little bit of a bummer, but oh well.
What I'm Reading Right Now! is...


The Remaking by Clay McLeod Chapman -- This book really caught my interest because of the synopsis and awesome cover. I'm over the halfway point in it and it's okay. It's got a really cool concept, I'm just not sold on the execution. It can be very long-winded. I don't really love the main character. I just wish it was told in a different way.
So, a quick what it's about, it starts off with an urban legend that gets told around campfires, which then gets turned into a 1970's cheesy movie that becomes a cult classic, which then gets remade into a 1990's version, which then gets the podcast love in the present day. That synopsis sounds so cool. The Book's not bad, but it doesn't have that edge-of-your-seat feeling either.

Nocturna (#1) by Maya Motayne -- I'm enjoying this one so far. It's got magic, a prince, a face-changing thief. The writing is really quick. I'm interested. It's good. And, another awesome cover!

And that's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading?

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