Tuesday, June 4, 2024

BLOG TOUR: One Deadly Eye by Randy Wayne White

 I'm excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for One Deadly Eye by Randy Wayne White! I received a free copy for an honest review from the publisher. Thanks so much to Hanover Square Press and Randy Wayne White for letting me be a part of the tour!

Title: One Deadly Eye (Doc Ford #27)
Author: Randy Wayne White
Published by: Hanover Square Press
Released: June 4, 2024
Source: Electronic Review Copy Provided by Publisher
Goodreads          Amazon
Synopsis: After the deadliest hurricane to hit Sanibel Island in a century, Doc Ford must stop a gang of thieves—and worse—during the twelve hours of chaos that follow the passing of a storm’s eye.

A month before a killer hurricane hits Florida, Doc Ford gets a heads-up from a state department pal that during recent natural disasters, a group of paramilitary contractors have used the poststorm chaos as a license to steal—and kill.

Doc doesn’t give the warning much thought until the night the big storm hits. He’s alone. The marina is a ghost town. Doc would have evacuated too but had to work a last-minute deal with the owner of the marina and some other stubborn liveaboards. They know the odds of being robbed after a storm spike. On barrier islands, there’s about a twelve-hour window before help of any type arrives. No law enforcement, no first responders. And very few residents to deal with because most have evacuated.

So, Doc stays. He isn’t worried about himself. But he does wonder about a new a British physician, inventor and possibly an MI-6 asset. The man lives in one of the expensive houses on Millionaires Row. In fact, it’s just down the shoreline from the retired N.S.A. Director’s home. This is no coincidence, and it begs the Will the storm bring out other new visitors to the island?
(Synopsis from Goodreads)
My Thoughts: This action adventure is perfect summer reading! I really enjoyed it. There are many enemies and threats in this story, man and nature. Doc has to protect himself against thieves as well as a hurricane. There is nothing like a natural disaster to add more drama to a story.
I enjoyed the characters. This was just a really fun read. It was easy to flip through the pages because I wanted to know how everything was going to work out.
If you're a fan of action and adventure, this is an easy add to the tbr pile!

Randy Wayne White is the New York Times bestselling and award-winning author of the Doc Ford series. In 2011, White was named a Florida Literary Legend by the Florida Heritage Society. A fishing and nature enthusiast, he has also written extensively for National Geographic Adventure, Men’s Journal, Playboy and Men’s Health. He lives on Sanibel Island, Florida, where he was a light-tackle fishing guide for many years, and spends much of his free time windsurfing, playing baseball and hanging out at Doc Ford’s Rum Bar & Grille. Sharks Incorporated is his middle grade series, including Fins and Stingers.

Thanks so much for checking out my Blog Tour Stop for One Deadly Eye by Randy Wayne White! Thank you to Hanover Square Press and Randy Wayne White for letting me be a part of the tour. This is definitely one you should add to your Summer TBR!

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