Friday, July 5, 2024

BLOG TOUR: The Love of My Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood

 I'm excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for The Love of my Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood! I received a free electronic copy for an honest review from the publisher. Thanks so much to Berkley and Kirsty Greenwood for letting me be a part of the tour!

Title: The Love of My Afterlife
Author: Kirsty Greenwood
Published by: Berkley
Released: July 2, 2024
Source: Electronic Review Copy Provided by Publisher
Goodreads          Amazon
Synopsis: A recently deceased woman meets “the one” in the afterlife waiting room, scoring a second chance at life (and love!) if she can find him on earth before ten days are up…

If she wasn’t dead already, Delphie would be dying of embarrassment. Not only did she just die by choking on a microwaveable burger, but now she’s standing in her ‘shine like a star’ nightie in front of the hottest man she’s ever seen. And he’s smiling at her.

As they start to chat, everything else becomes background noise. That is until someone comes running out of a door, yelling something about a huge mistake, and sends the dreamy stranger back down to earth. And here Delphie was thinking her luck might be different in the afterlife.

When Delphie is offered a deal in which she can return to earth and reconnect with the mysterious stranger, she jumps at the opportunity to find her possible soulmate and a fresh start at life. But in a city of millions, Delphie is going to have to listen to her heart, learn to ask for help, and perhaps even see the magic in the life she’s leaving behind…
(Synopsis from Goodreads)
My Thoughts: Cute! I was just really captured by synopsis of this one. There are times when I'm just looking for a book that is a good time with some romance, and this one did it for me. I loved the paranormal twist this one had.
I have a little bit of a fear of choking, so Delphie dying that way played on that fear! Thinking you are choking is an awful feeling.
This was just really fun. It would make a great romcom movie. I love books that just make you feel happy.
I'll definitely read more from this author. 
I can see a lot of people really enjoying this one. It's a great one to add to you summer reading pile!

 Kirsty Greenwood is an internationally bestselling author of funny, fearless romantic comedies about extraordinary love. When she’s not writing books she composes musicals and explores London where she lives with her husband.

Thanks so much for checking out my Blog Tour stop for The Love of My Afterlife by Kirsty Greenwood. Thank you to Berkley and Kirsty Greenwood for letting me be a part of the tour. This is the perfect book to pick up for summer.

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