Wednesday, July 3, 2024

BLOG TOUR: Made For You by Jenna Satterthwaite

 I'm excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for Made For You by Jenna Satterthwaite! I received a free electronic copy for an honest review from the publisher. Thanks so much to MIRA and Jenna Satterthwaite for letting me be a part of the tour!

Title: Made For You
Author: Jenna Satterthwaite
Published by: MIRA
Released: July 2, 2024
Source: Electronic Review Copy Provided by Publisher
Goodreads          Amazon
Synopsis: Hi. My name is Julia. I’m a Synth. And I’m here to find love…

Synthetic woman Julia Walden was designed for one reason: to compete on The Proposal and claim the heart of bachelor Josh LaSala. Her casting is controversial, but Julia seems to get her fairy-tale ending when Josh gets down on one knee.

Fast forward fifteen months, and Julia and Josh are married and raising their baby in small-town Indiana. But with haters around every corner, Julia's life is a far cry from the domestic bliss she imagined. Then her splintering world shatters: Josh goes missing, and she becomes the prime suspect in his murder.

With no one left she can trust, Julia takes the investigation into her own hands. But the explosive truths she uncovers will drive her to her breaking point—and isn’t that where a person’s true nature is revealed? That is…if Julia truly is a person.

Told via dual timelines, Jenna Satterthwaite’s twist-filled debut deftly explores the exhilarating point where artificial intelligence, reality TV and bone-chilling murder mystery meet.
(Synopsis from Goodreads)
My Thoughts: I was sold just by the concept of this one. This was a lot of fun to read. I really liked the concept of it all. It would make for some very entertaining television.
This book is very entertaining. It's a very fast-paced read. I was flipping pages because I needed to know what happened. It's the perfect kind of book when you're looking for something to really ensnare you.
I will definitely be reading more from Jenna Satterthwaite!

 Born in the Midwest,Jenna Satterthwaite grew up in Spain, lived briefly in France, and is now happily settled in Chicago with her husband and three kids. Jenna studied classical guitar, English Lit and French, and once upon a time was a singer-songwriter in folk band Thornfield. She loves sushi, reading in her natural habitat (aka her bed), and women taking back their power. Made For You is her debut novel.

Thanks so much for checking out my Blog Tour Stop for Made For You by Jenna Satterthwaite! Thank you to MIRA and Jenna Satterthwaite for letting me be a part of the tour. This is one you definitely need to check out and give a read.

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