Thursday, September 19, 2024

BLOG TOUR: The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak

 I'm excited to be a part of the tour for The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak! I received a free electronic copy for an honest review from the publisher. Thanks so much to MIRA and Brenda Novak for letting me be a part of the tour.

Title: The Banned Books Club
Author: Brenda Novak
Published by: MIRA
Released: September 17, 2024
Source: Electronic Review Copy Provided by Publisher
Goodreads         Amazon

Synopsis: She left her hometown following a scandal—but family loyalty is dragging her back…

Despite their strained relationship, when Gia Rossi’s sister, Margot, begs her to come home to Wakefield, Iowa, to help with their ailing mother, Gia knows she has no choice. After her rebellious and at-times-tumultuous teen years, Gia left town with little reason to look back. But she knows Margot’s borne the brunt of their mother’s care and now it’s Gia’s turn to help, even if it means opening old wounds.

As expected, Gia’s homecoming is far from welcome. There’s the Banned Books Club she started after the PTA overzealously slashed the high school reading list, which is right where she left it. But there is also Mr. Hart, her former favorite teacher. The one who was fired after Gia publicly and painfully accused him of sexual misconduct. The one who prompted Gia to leave behind a very conflicted town the minute she turned eighteen. The one person she hoped never to see again.

When Margot leaves town without explanation, Gia sees the cracks in her sister’s “perfect” life for the first time and plans to offer support. But as the town, including members of the book club, takes sides between Gia and Mr. Hart, everything gets harder. Fortunately, she learns that there are people she can depend on. And by standing up for the truth, she finds love and a future in the town she thought had rejected her. (Synopsis from Goodreads)

My Thoughts: I enjoyed reading this one. It's not as cutesy as the cover would have you imagine. Gia is dealing with a lot of serious things by coming back to her hometown. The story also didn't really focus that much on the Banned Book's Club, which can be a little misleading.
This story is really about Gia coming back to a small town that didn't believe in her. She is a very strong character. She also has family relationships that need fixing.
There is a cute romance too.
This story contains more than meets the eye. I liked it and I can see a lot of other people enjoying it too.

New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak has written over 80 novels. An eight-time Rita nominee, she's won The National Reader's Choice, The Bookseller's Best and other awards. She runs Brenda Novak for the Cure, a charity that has raised more than $2.5 million for diabetes research (her youngest son has this disease). She considers herself lucky to be a mother of five and married to the love of her life.

Thanks so much for checking out my Blog Tour Stop for The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak! Thank you to MIRA and Brenda Novak for letting me be a part of the tour. This is a perfect one for lovers of drama!

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