Friday, September 6, 2024

BLOG TOUR: Zetas Till We Die by Amber and Danielle Brown

 I'm excited to be a part of the Blog Tour for Zetas Till We Die by Amber and Danielle Brown! I received a free electronic review copy from the publisher. Thanks so much to Graydon House and Amber and Danielle Brown for letting me be a part of the tour!

Title: Zetas Till We Die
Authors: Amber and Danielle Brown
Published by: Graydon House
Released: September 10, 2024
Source: Electronic Review Copy Provided by Publisher
Goodreads         Amazon


It’s been ten years since Priscilla and her Zeta Phi Zeta sorority sisters graduated college. Ten years since they were all in the same room together. Ten years since one of them died. And now Lupe’s killer has been released from prison on a technicality, days before their ten-year reunion.

Priscilla decides that the party must go on; Lupe would have wanted it to. And besides, an epic reunion bash might be the perfect distraction. Back together, the Zetas party like it’s 2012, and it’s wild, just the way it used to be. Maybe too wild. At least everyone makes it out alive this time…or so they think.

When one of them doesn’t return home after the party, Priscilla begins to realize that there might be more to Lupe’s murder and that someone is out for blood. With the murderer in their midst circling closer and closer, the Zetas are forced to confront what really happened the night Lupe died—and the secrets each of them swore to keep. (Synopsis from Goodreads)

My Thoughts: This was a fun time. I love a good thriller. They are so easy to just fly through. While I was reading, I was trying to solve the mystery. It was a lot of fun trying to guess the who and why.
I can see a lot of people really enjoying this one. It has a great setting and an interesting backstory. 
Everyone needs more mystery/thrillers in their reading pile!

Amber and Danielle Brown both graduated from Rider University where they studied Communications/Journalism and sat on the editorial staff for the On Fire!! literary journal. They then pursued a career in fashion and spent five years in NYC working their way up, eventually managing their own popular fashion and lifestyle blog. Amber is also a screenwriter, so they live in LA, which works out perfectly so Danielle can spoil her plant babies with copious amount of sunshine.

Thanks so much for checking out my Blog Tour Stop for Zetas Till We Die by Amber and Danielle Brown! Thank you to Graydon House and Amber and Danielle Brown for letting me be a part of the tour. This is one that you should definitely give a read!

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