Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Top 5 Books I Wanted to Start Yesterday

This weeks Top 5 Wednesday is the Top 5 Books I Wanted to Start Yesterday. So yeah, all the books that I want to have already experienced and read. Since I do not have the super ability to read ALL the books as soon as they come out, these are the books and/or series that I've had my eye on and have been wanting to read. Some of them are quite shameful that I haven't read them already, but it is what it is. So here be the books in no real particular order.

1. City of Bones/Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare: I am very late on this series and I've been wanting to read it for a long time. I have all the books, so it's just a matter of me finding the time to read them. My library addiction problem is a really big hinderance to me not having read these books already. When I first got on booktube, I heard such great things about this series. It does sound like something that would be right up my alley. I need to read these pronto!!
2. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins: I am shameful... I know. I don't really have any excuse for not having read these. I own them, the whole trilogy, but haven't gotten around to reading them yet because of my sad, sad library addiction. The hype on this series was so high when I first heard about The Hunger Games. I think the first movie was just coming out and everybody was talking about how awesome it was. And me, being the hipster reader I am, didn't want to jump on The Hunger Games bandwagon just because it was popular. I like to be one of those readers that discover great books before they get popular, so I can be all cool and say, "Yeah, I already read that." Stupid stupid reason, I know. But I will read these books because I've heard so much awesomeness about them. I have watched and loved the movies, so it's really just shameful I haven't read the series yet.
3. The Martian by Andy Weir: This book just looks cool. I've had friends who have read it and loved it. I had it checked out from the library at one time, but then had to return it because someone else had it on hold. It was such a sad time returning it. So I need to check it out again and read it very soon. I might be making stuff up, but I think this book is going to be turned into a movie.
4. Splintered (the whole series) by A.G. Howard: This book series just came on my radar recently. It's been out a little while and I don't know how I missed it. The covers are just gorgeous and it's an Alice in Wonderland re-telling or re-imagining, which definitely peaks my interest. I need to read this series soon.
5. A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab: I love V.E. Schwab. That should be no surprise with how many times Vicious has been in my Top 5 lists. I just haven't managed to get my hands on it yet, but I'm hoping to get it sometime soon. With Vicious, V.E. Schwab became one of my I'll read anything by her authors. And this book sounds really cool because it is about alternate universes and magic, I can't go wrong with that.

So there's my Top 5 Books I Wanted to Start Yesterday. Some of them are shameful, I do admit. So yeah, what are your Top 5 books for this topic? Let me know. Also, if you want to join in the Top 5 Wednesday fun, you totally should. The topics are fun and it's a great video or post to include on your bookish sites. Go check out all the other Top 5 Wednesday-ers here!

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