Monday, April 23, 2018

Review: Map of Fates (The Conspiracy of Us #2) by Maggie Hall

Title: Map of Fates (The Conspiracy of Us #2)
Author: Maggie Hall
Published by: G.P. Putnam's Sons
Released: 2016
Source: Library

Summary:  Avery West has just had the biggest surprise of her life! She's just found out she's part of a secret society of very powerful people, The Circle. She's also found out she's essentially The Chosen One, The Girl Born With the Purple Eyes. There is a mandate saying she must enter into a union with The One, which will cement The Circle's power even more.
But Avery doesn't want to be a pawn in The Circle's gains. She doesn't want to be forced into a marriage with who they think is The One. Avery is on a mission to find Alexander the Great's tomb and the weapon that is supposed to be hidden there. She must find it to rescue her mom, who has been kidnapped by a dangerous organization called The Order.
With the help of Jack, Stellan, and others, Avery is traveling the world, looking for the clues that will uncover the tomb.
My Thoughts: This book was a lot of fun. I read the first book, The Conspiracy of Us, sometime last year and really enjoyed it. This sequel didn't disappoint. It was quick, steamy, fun, surprising, and all the other words. After that ending, I'm excited to see how this whole series wraps up. If you like international treasure hunts, romance, and conspiracies, I think you'll like this series.
I will say I was in a weird reading mood while reading this. I kept getting distracted by social media, and kind of kept making excuses to not pick up the book. It was weird, because when I was reading the book, I was enjoying it. I just didn't feel much like reading.
I also had a hard time remembering everything that happened in the first book. I think I waited too long to read the sequel. It took me a little while to get into the sequel because I forgot too many things. I think that this series is best read by bingeing it.
If you're not into love triangles, you might not like this series. The love triangle is kind of prominent. I will say, there were some good, steamy scenes in here. I'm going to have to pick Stellan as my favorite. I think Jack's nice and all, but there's just more chemistry with Stellan. I find him more interesting.
I definitely think this series is fun, and the sequel did not disappoint. Things got so crazy in the second half of the book that I had to keep reading to see what happened. The ending was also crazy. I'm very excited to see what's going to happen in the third book. I want to get my hands on it soon because I need to know how it all ends. This is a series I'd definitely recommend. It's a lot of fun to read.
What An Adventure!

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