Saturday, March 14, 2015

Reading Right Now! (#23)

Title: Apollyon (Covenant #4)
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
I'm on page 71 of 343 which makes me about 21% through the book according to the

What I'm Reading Right Now! for this week is the 4th book in the Covenant series, Apollyon, by Jennifer L. Armentrout. As a sort of disclaimer, I've never been in love with this series. I had heard such good things about Jennifer L. Armentrout and her books from friends, blogs, and booktube that I just had to start one of her series. I decided to start with one of her early series, and I've just never felt that instant booklove that so many of my friends have felt. I think this will always be just an average series for me. That being said, I'm not very far into Apollyon, but I'm crossing my fingers that this might be my favorite one in the series so far.  In this book, Alex has connected with Seth and become the Apollyon, but unfortunately that means she wants to kill all her friends who are keeping her separated from Seth. The gods are ready to kill Alex just so she won't join Seth and give him the power to become a god killer. Alex is being kept in a safe house and those that love and care for her and trying hard to get her to break the bond with Seth, so she can be the old Alex they love and remember.
At the very beginning of this book, I wanted to mute Alex permanently. She was just so mean to all those that care about her. I guess I just expected Alex to be more like a zombie, mindless and not knowing who she really was while connected to Seth, but she seemed aware of what she was doing and just being really mean anyway. And this whole My Seth stuff just made me want to gag. Luckily, the book is getting better since Alex has broke the connection with Seth. I'm hoping that this one is my favorite of the series. So I'm hoping for the best in this one. And once I finish, I definitely plan on finishing the series because I just feel like I need to finish all the series. I don't think The Covenant series will ever be my favorite of favorites, mostly because I don't really like the character of Alex. 
Okay I have rambled enough. That is what I'm Reading Right Now! Hope you're enjoying whatever it is you are reading.

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