Saturday, March 28, 2015

Reading Right Now! (#25)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is two books! So exciting, I know. I usually just try to stick to reading one book at a time, because I don't feel like I'm that great at multi-tasking. I'm trying to take the approach of reading so many chapters per book and then switching to the other one and reading some chapters from there. So, I guess I should go ahead and tell you what I'm reading. What I'm Reading Right Now! is Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins The 100 by Kass Morgan. I'm reading The 100 with my friend Ke-sha from theforsaken707 on youtube. I have been bothering Ke-sha to watch The 100 CW show, because it is awesome and I love it so much!!! She said she had to read the book first, so if that's what it takes to get her to watch the awesomeness of the show, I will do it. Plus, I'm having withdrawal symptoms because The 100 is currently off air after it's second season finale and it makes me sad that I have to wait months and months for Season 3. I don't know if I can take it.

                                   Title: Sweet Peril (Sweet Evil #2) by Wendy Higgins
                                                                                      Title: The 100 by Kass Morgan

So, for those of you that don't know, The 100 by Kass Morgan is a science fiction/post apocalyptic novel, maybe with even a little bit of dystopian mixed in. The Earth has been destroyed because of various wars and becomes unlivable with a multitude of nuclear bombs being dropped. Various nations get together with the intent of escaping Earth to live in space. They want to keep humanity alive. I believe they've been in space for almost 400 years and the space station has become unsustainable. Resources and air supply are running out, which means they must come up with a new way to survive. Because of these limited resources, crime on the Arc is not taken lightly. People are tried and quickly executed for their crimes. But then an idea is hatched, take 100 juvenile delinquents awaiting trial on their 18th birthdays, and send them to Earth. If they survive on Earth, then everybody can come down. If they die on Earth, then it's time to think of another idea. We are with The 100 as they travel down to Earth and find out that they can live there, but surviving might be another story.
I absolutely love the CW TV show, so of course I'm super excited to be reading the book. Now the book and TV show do have differences. Some characters that exist in the book don't exist on the show, and some characters that exist on the show don't exist in the book. I've heard that the book is not as good as the TV show, but I'm liking it so far. I went into it not expecting an exact replica of the TV show and I think that might have helped. I'm only about 17% through the book, but I am enjoying it.
Now the other book I'm reading, Sweet Peril, is the second book in the Sweet Evil Trilogy. I really enjoyed the first book and I'm really enjoying this one as well. This story is about Anna, the daughter of an angel and a demon. She has been given a task to kind of save the world and of course she wants to find love with the sexy Nephilim Kaidan. I'm about 58% through this one and am liking it. It's just a fun, fast, enjoyable series.
So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! Sorry for the super long post, but I was just in a talkative mood about books and The 100. The 100 is awesome and everybody needs to watch the show, and then ship Bellarke! What are you Reading Right Now?

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