Sunday, November 26, 2017

Reading Right Now! (141)

I'm sorry I've been such a horrible blogger this week. I guess it's just Thanksgiving Break coupled with laziness. I also have a cold, which is making me really not want to do anything but veg out in front of the television, and sometimes read my books. But anyway, I'll try to be better this week.
What I'm Reading Right Now! is...

-- A Line in the Dark by Malinda Lo -- As far as explaining what this book is about, I don't feel like I can say much. I don't want to spoil what it is. In general, it's about a girl named Jess, who has a crush on her best friend Angie, and then Angie starts dating a new girl named Margot. Jess doesn't like Margot. Jess is jealous, and it kind of puts a strain on her friendship with Angie.
I was drawn to this book for two reasons. The first one being obvious, which is the cover. The second reason is I was watching BooksandLala's YouTube channel or instagram stories, I can't really remember, and she had recently read this book and liked it.
I'm 200 pages through and I'm not sure what I think of it so far. I think the story is compelling enough, interesting enough, but I don't really like the main character Jess. Jess is kind of weird, and before you get all offended and yell at me, it's not because of her sexual orientation or anything like that. Jess is very jealous, she's a loner, the only friend she seems to have is Angie, she seems to have an angry sort of chip on her shoulder, and she's not good at expressing her feelings. I don't really like her.
I'm getting near the end, so I'm interested to see what happens. Right now, I'd rate this a 3.3/5. It's okay, but maybe I'd be more into it if I liked the main character more.

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading?

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