Friday, November 12, 2021

Reading Right Now! (318)

I've been in a weird mood this week where I just don't really want to do anything. I don't really know why. Anyway, what I'm Reading Right Now! is...

Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall -- I am in the home stretch with this one. I think I should have finished it already, but I didn't really commit to reading the past couple of days like I thought I was.
I'm enjoying this one. It's very weird, which I wasn't expecting, and I appreciate. I guess since this is YA, I wasn't expecting it to go to this level. Finding YA books that really commit to the weird vibe without playing into those YA tropes are rare, and a welcome surprise. So this one does have some Stranger Things vibes, but I can't say in what way because that would give some of the surprise of the story away.
I'm hoping that I finish it tomorrow, and I kick whatever weird mood I'm in. This always seems to happen when I take a couple of days off from work. I think I'm going to read, read, read, and then I just get distracted by other things.
So that is what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading? 

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