Friday, October 13, 2017

Reading Right Now! (136)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is...

-- Dead Letters: An Anthology edited by Conrad Williams -- I actually started this awhile ago, but with short story collections, I tend to read a couple stories and then put it down, eventually coming back to it. This anthology is all about Dead Letters, letters that get lost in the mail for years, letters that show up to the wrong houses, mysterious letters.
What's interesting about this book, and I'm pretty sure I'm remembering it right, is that the editor actually sent mysterious/strange letters as prompts to the contributing authors for their stories. I just thought that was pretty cool. I would have loved to have had a brief description of the prompts that inspired each story in the book, but that's just because I'm curious.
I'm enjoying this anthology. Not every story is great, but that's just a given. Some stories have been really interesting, but then the endings have just kind of let me down. I'm liking this though. It's kind of fun. So, I really plan on finishing this this weekend. I'm like 85% of the way through, so I think I can do it.

Next up is...

-- Death Note, Vol. 8: Target by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata -- I need to read this one and I've just been putting it off. I think the ending of Volume 7 really shocked and saddened me, and I've just been in a state of denial. I need to know what happens next though.

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading?

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