Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!

Happy 2018 Everybody! I'm not a big New Year's Resolutions kind of person, because I know I won't be able to stick to hardly anything I vow to do, but I was thinking about goals for 2018, loose goals. This is what I would like to accomplish/do better at in 2018.


--Accomplish my GoodReads Goal of Reading 55 Books for 2018 I think this should be an easy goal for me to accomplish (hopefully). I usually set my GoodReads Yearly Goal to a number I know I won't have trouble meeting. I don't aim too high because I don't want to be stressed out by reading, rushing and sweating to meet a maybe too high number. 55 has been a safe number for me. In 2017, I read 87 books, which has been my highest so far. I also just like the GoodReads Yearly Reading Goal because it gives me a way of seeing all the books I read for the year. I just think it's fun.

--Be Better at Reading Review Copies I need to get better at this. I request a lot of things from NetGalley, sometimes authors send me stuff, and sometimes I win books from GoodReads FirstReads Giveaways. I need to be better at reading the review copies I get. I have this bad habit of letting them sit there and not getting to them. I attribute this mostly too my library problem, which is addressed below.

--Get My Library Problem back to a more manageable state Even as I'm typing this goal, I just see failure in my future haha *sigh* 
I check out way too many books at a time and then it's just stressful for me to read them all before they are due. But at the same time, I feel like I have to get all the books when I see them because what if I never see them again. I know I have a problem. I have a severe library addiction. I don't know if I can accomplish getting myself under control in 2018, but we'll see.

--Read More of the Books I Own/On My Own Shelf This also stems back to my library problem. But I also buy a lot of books and I need to read the books that I buy. I don't see myself trying to do a book buying ban or anything, because I know who I am, and I know I'd fail miserably at that. I would like to read some of my own books though.

--Be Less Distracted by Social Media and Devote More of That Time to Reading Social Media gets me a lot. I spend a lot of time on there. Probably too much time. I'd like to not get so lost in it, constantly having to check my instagram or watch youtube video after youtube video. I'd like to put more of that time towards reading. Will I be successful? I don't know.

--Keep My Blog Posts Consistent I'd like to keep my Blog Posts consistent this year. I felt like I did a pretty okay job with that in 2017. I'm not saying I'm going to post everyday, because that would be too stressful for me. I'm happy with how my blog did in 2017. I appreciate everyone that has stopped by and viewed it, given it a follow. My views went up pretty signifcantly from past years, and I like that. I just want to keep it going with this blog. This blog was the first thing I started on my bookish social media/amateur reviewer journey, so it's special.

--Be More Consistent with Posts on my Instagram/Bookstagram I really enjoy the intagram/bookstagram format. I like posting pictures of my current reads and trying to give everything reviews. I want to be more consistent when it comes to my bookstagram. I think I did okay in 2017, but I struggled once I started working full time. Hopefully I can take the pictures I need and keep a good schedule for posting them. I've been happy with how my bookstagram has grown in 2017. It's always nice when your numbers go up and you feel like people are enjoying your feed. Hopefully that continues in 2018.
My bookstagram/instagram handle is @gotbookcitement if anyone is interesed ;)

--Get Back Into BookTube and Post 1 Video a Week I've had an on-and-off relationship with BookTube the past couple years and I would really like to get back to it. I want to get better at posting videos. I sometimes find it hard to find the time or motivation to sit down, get myself made up, film, edit, and post. But I enjoy BookTube. I met some really cool people that have become friends. I don't want to abandon it. I want to come back to it.

So those are some things I'm thinking about for 2018. I hope this new year treats everyone well and is awesome!


  1. Well, a library addiction isn't the worst kind of addiction you could have, right? You've got that going for ya!
    Good luck with your goals this year, reading and otherwise!

    1. yeah, I could definitely have worse addictions haha. Thank you! Same to you for 2018 :D
