Monday, June 5, 2017

Review: Chat Love by Justine Faeth

Title: Chat Love
 Author: Justine Faeth
Published by: The Small Press
Released: 2012
Source: Sent To Me By Author For Honest Review

Summary: Lucia Pia is a 27 year old single lady living in the city. Her days are filled with work, and her nights are spent out with friends. Her life sounds pretty good, but she is plagued by that one word people describe her as... SINGLE! Her parents are constantly asking about boyfriends, and when she's going to get married. Her sister is constantly rubbing in her happy, married life.
Lucia is struggling to meet the right one. When one of her friends suggests she join Chat Love, an internet dating site, Lucia is resistant. Internet dating is a place for the desperate, the sad, the undateable, that's what Lucia has been led to believe.
Lucia finally swallows her pride and joins Chat Love. So begins a dating frenzy with good ones, bad ones, and just plain horrible ones. Maybe Lucia will finally find her Mr. Right.
My Thoughts: I just want to thank the author, Justine Faeth, for sending me a message asking me to review her book. I am always up for a good chick-lit, which is what I heard this was. I enjoyed this story. I thought it was cute and fun. Some of what Lucia was going through hit home for me. I am a late twenties single lady who is always getting asked Where's the boyfriend? You better find somebody quick, you don't want to be alone forever. That's always a boost to my self esteem! I however, have not yet joined any kind of internet dating site. I'm still leery. And I know I'm single because I'm incredibly awkward, but this book did give me hope that my Mr. Right is somewhere out there, and it's just a matter of time before I meet him.
I enjoyed this book. I thought it was cute. It was also a really fast read. It had a very addictive quality to it as well.
At times, I did feel like I was reading from a diary of Lucia's, just with how this happened, then this happened, then that happened. There were also some random jumps in time that didn't exactly flow in the story.
As it neared the end, I did get a little tired of the he loves me, he loves me not attitude. It was fairly obvious who Lucia was meant to be with, and it just took longer to get there than I would have liked.
My only other nitpick is that every character seemed to be successful, beautiful, and really have no problems except being single. Not all of them felt like real people. Some characters and situations felt like watching an episode of Gossip Girl.
I'm happy that I got to read this book. It was a cute, fun read, that delivered a sweet, romantic story. Thanks to the author for letting me read and review it. It's cute, and I'd say give it a read.

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