Title: Plague (Gone #4)
Author: Michael Grant
Published by: Katherine Tegen Books
Released: 2011
Summary: Life for the kids of the FAYZ never seems to get any easier. They've survived the disappearance of their parents, hunger, and living with no electricity, but somehow things seem to only get worse. A sickness is spreading around Perdido Beach. It starts off as a flu and ends with kids coughing up their own lungs, literally. There is also a new bug problem bothering the kids, it involves bug larvae hatching in kids and eating them from the inside out. New enemies mix with old enemies in this next installment. The Darkness is still there and Drake Merwin escapes to inflict more terror. Just another day for kids in the FAYZ.
My Thoughts: This series just doesn't disappoint! Plague is another action, disaster, and suspense filled tale that makes me really wonder if these kids are going to survive to the end.
I love the realistic way Sam, Astrid, Quinn, Edilio, and others have changed from the first book to this one. They have become darker, less innocent kids, which is entirely realistic to their situation. I fear and hope for almost all of them.
The gore factor was top-notch as per usual. Such a disturbing mental image of kids getting eaten from the inside out. Just imagine that old Alien movie.
Caine is still such a despicable little tyrant. I doubt I'll ever like him. All he strives for is power and attention. I'll just call him cringe-worthy Caine. I mean, come on, even Diana has changed her ways a little.
Overall, this series never disappoints and I'm excited to continue on with it.
This book should spread like a PLAGUE! It's that contagious and awesome!