Friday, August 25, 2017

Reading Right Now! (129)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is...
Or I should say that my Reading Right Now! Plans for this Weekend Are...
Honesty is always the best policy... right? haha


and maybe...

As you can see, I'm always indecisive. I like a mix of books, even though, in reality I'll probably only get to one of these haha.

-- Daughter of the Pirate King by Tricia Levenseller -- I've had my eye on this one for awhile, ever since I saw it as a selection for an Owlcrate Box. My main reason for wanting to read this is PIRATES!!! I love Pirates! I've heard it's like a lady Jack Sparrow, and that's the draw right there. I love Captain Jack Sparrow. I could watch movie after movie and I would be happy. I've already started this one, read the first chapter, and I enjoyed what I read so far.

-- Zero Repeat Forever by Gabrielle Prendergast -- This is a review book through NetGalley that I really, really, really want to get to. It comes out August 26th, 2017, I think. I fell in love with the cover mainly, and it sounds like a sci-fi kind of thing, which I really do enjoy. I've been trying to get better with my NetGalley books.

-- Black Bird of the Gallows by Meg Kassel -- This one I need to read because it is a NetGalley book and I'm on a blog tour for it! This one comes out September 5th, 2017. My blog tour date is September 21 and it's going to be a review. In a perfect world, I'd read this and have it done by September 5th, but I'm realistic and know that probably won't happen. What I know about this is Harbinger of Death! And the reviews that I've seen on GoodReads so far have been pretty good.

So that's my Reading Right Now! plans. What are you reading?

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