Friday, March 2, 2018

Reading Right Now! (155)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is the same things I've been reading for the past couple of weeks. I won't say I'm in a slump, but I just feel like I've been busy this week, and I haven't been finding the time or energy to just sit down and straight read. I mean, I haven't done too badly, but I just feel like I haven't made the most progress reading wise.
Anyway... my reads for this weekend are:


-- Nothing Bad Happens Here by Nikki Crutchley -- I received this book for free for an honest review and was on a Blog Tour for it. My Blog Tour post already went up, but I hadn't finished the book yet by my scheduled date. I'm actually pretty much finished with this one. I only have a couple more pages to go. It's a murder mystery/thriller set in a small, coastal New Zealand town.
I'm enjoying it. My full review for it will probably be up soon. I'm happy that I got the chance to read it, and I thank the author and Rachel's Random Resources for including me in the Blog Tour.

-- Shade Me (#1) by Jennifer Brown -- This book, I'm struggling with. I'm just finding it kind of meh. It's been put on the back-burner a couple times so I can finish other books, review books. I don't really like the main character Nikki Kill. I think she has crap investigative skills. I think she puts herself in situations that could lead to potential harm. I know she's supposed to be cool and tough, but I just find her really stupid. And I don't even understand why she feels so involved in this case when all that really ties her to it is the victim (who wasn't her friend, had never been her friend, was really only a distant acquaintance) calls her out of the blue right before she's beaten up. Nikki Kill just makes stupid decisions, all the time.
She falls into a certain type of main character that I get irritated by. The tough, sarcastic girl who can take care of herself, and doesn't want anyone to help her. I just don't tend to think they are cool, and they always make the dumbest decisions possible.
Obviously I'm ranting. I'm hoping to finish this this weekend too. I've probably got 100 pages left, so I can do it.

That's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you Reading?

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