Friday, March 25, 2022

Reading Right Now! (331)

 It's Friday! Hooray! Although, my work has started opening again on Saturdays, and this is my Saturday to work. Not sure how I feel about that. I really enjoyed having my weekends. Luckily, I only have to work one a month.
Also, who's excited for The Magical Readathon Orilium!! I am, obviously. I hope I can read all the things I'm supposed to.
So this week has been me trying to catch up with the Mini Magical Readathon Orilium Gear Up! I've technically got three books that I need to finish before (that probably won't happen because I'm being a realist). I don't think there's any punishment for not finishing them though.

The Accidental Apprentice (Wilderlore #1) by Amanda Foody -- I'm reading this one for my animal companion prompt. I want to have a wolf as an animal companion. I am almost finished with this one and I'm enjoying it so much. I could not have picked a better book to showcase an animal companion, because that's pretty much what this story is about! I'm having such a good time with it.
I've also read it pretty fast, considering how my reading has been going this year. Middle Grade is where it's at. I'm definitely thinking of checking out Amanda Foody's YA Series after reading this one.
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1) by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl -- I want a Quarterstaff as a conduit, and the prompt for that is to read a book in a Quartet. I had such a hard time finding a book for this one. I feel like there aren't an abundance of quartets. Trilogies are easy, duologies are easy, but quartets make me have to think. Then I remembered I've had The Caster Chronicles Series on my shelf for ages. I bought them when they were hot on booktube, and then never read them. That's what I do. Buy books, and then just read the books I get from the library haha.
So this one is a chunker. Hopefully I can do it, and make good time reading it. I'm definitely interested in it. I think it's about witches. I never watched the movie that came from it. We'll see.

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! and my Reading Plans. What are you reading?

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