Friday, December 7, 2018

Reading Right Now! (186)

First off, I'm sorry my blog has been so empty this week. I really just didn't feel like doing anything, so I did nothing. That's the truth and I'm sticking to it. Anyway....
What I'm Reading Right Now! is...

The Dark Intercept (#1) by Julia Keller I'm hoping for sci-fi goodness right here! I can't really say that much about it because I just started, buuut there are two Earths in this. We've got our regular Earth that got too used up, so all the rich people made another Earth somewhere above the old Earth. And there's also this thing that can read everyone's emotions and they use it to track people and stop crimes. I'm getting a little bit of Person of Interest vibes (I love that show by the way. I always had the biggest crush on John. He was a good looking older man, in my opinion haha).
So yes, I'm excited to read more of this. I actually was sent the ARC of the sequel from Tor Teen. I was so excited to get that package. I don't really know why I got it though. I don't remember winning it from anywhere. In my delusional mind, I've convinced myself that it was an unsolicited ARC and I got added to Tor's mailing list. Probably not what happened at all, but I'm going to will it into existence.

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading?

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