Friday, June 22, 2018

Reading Right Now! (168)

What I'm Reading Right Now! is...


-- A House At The Bottom Of A Lake by Josh Malerman -- I've never read anything by Josh Malerman before and I've heard such good stuff about his work. I checked this out from the library and now someone has it on hold, I can't renew it *wahh*. To be fair though, I've had it sitting around unread for quite a while now. Anyway, I don't really know that much about this. It's very short, which is why I think I can finish it before I have to turn it back in. I know that it's horror. And I know that it's two teenagers canoeing on their first date. I think I'm ready for whatever surprise this gives me.

-- Rebel Seoul (#1) by Axie Oh --  I've been reading this for the past week and I'm almost done with it. I've got maybe 70 pages left. It's pitched as Pacific Rim meets Korean Drama. If you're participating in a reading challenge or readathon, and you have to fill a bracket for diverse read or small publisher, I think this would work. I'm enjoying this so far, but I'm not in love with it. I find the dialogue to be a little clunky sometimes. I think the relationship needs more build up. There are some parts that make me go awww these two are so cute, but he just fell for her very quickly and I don't know if I feel all the feels. There are some good action bits in this, but they go too quickly. I want more of that Pacific Rim vibe, because it's a cool concept, and I do like the very minimal parts where it's featured. And for those that don't know, Pacific Rim is like fighting huge robots with human pilots inside of them. It's very cool, it was a movie. So yeah, I like it, but it's probably not going to be one of my favorite or most memorable books of the year.

So that's what I'm Reading Right Now! What are you reading?

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