Monday, May 1, 2017

Review: The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse #2) by Cassandra Rose Clarke

Title: The Pirate's Wish (The Assassin's Curse #2)
Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke
Published by: Strange Chemistry
Released: 2013
Source: Library

Summary: Ananna and Naji are still stuck on an enchanted island, with no way off. The island can be dangerous, so Naji pleads with Ananna to stick close to the cabin. Ananna, of course, doesn't listen, and that's when she encounters something strange!
In no time at all, Ananna and Naji are sailing the seas, visiting royalty, trying to break the curse, and getting on each other's nerves 95% of the time. It's a tale of magic, adventure, and danger!!
My Thoughts: I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed these characters and this world, but it all came rushing back as soon as I started reading The Pirate's Wish. It's a series that's a lot of fun! I love the way Ananna and Naji bicker, and how they depend on each other. I think the world is really fun too! I love pirate anything, and magical assassins just add more fun to the mix.
I did feel a slightly weird balance, at times, between the romance and the friendship. Sometimes the lovey dovey romance seemed forced. I wished Ananna had just let things occur more naturally. I think there wouldn't have been as many grudges, or arguments, or hurt feelings, if Ananna had just slowed her roll. Don't get me wrong though, I'm totally for Ananna and Naji.
Really enjoyed the manticore! She was fun.
I do feel, in a way, that there was a lot of stuff jam-packed into this finale. I would have been fine with more books.
I thought this was great! A whole lot of fun. There was so much adventure, pirates, and assassins! I totally recommend giving this a read. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
A Magical Adventure!

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